2024 - 2025 a la carte
& Package Pricing
Welcome to Wonder...
Our curriculum targets advanced middle school through high school students. We are intentionally small and won’t ever enroll more than twelve (12) students in a class so the success of our classes depends on the contributions and involvement of all of the students, regardless of their grades. It's not infrequent that our younger learners are paired with older learners to learn from each other! Our classes are hosted by a lead, certified teacher, often, with at least one additional teacher supporting each class.
We offer our courses in an "a la carte" style, as well as packages. Our foundation courses - Math & ELA, can be taken 2, 3, or 4 days a week, 9a - 11:30a. We offer History and Science classes twice weekly, 90-minutes each, for a total of 3 hours.
The Core Four includes Math, ELA, History & Science - Monday - Thursday from 9a - 1:30p, with a lunch and recess break from 11:30a - 12:30p. (To avoid allergy exposure, parents/guardians are responsible for providing their child's lunch.)

We've simplified the registration and payment process by allowing you to sign your student up once and get billed monthly, eliminating the need to register and pay each month.
Morning BlOCK
(math, ELA & W.O.L.F Den)
Monday 9 - 10a and
Tuesday - Thursday, 9 - 11:30a
Flexible Schedule:
Twice/week $300/mo
Three times/week $425/mo
Four times/week $460/mo
Developing a solid math foundation can help students gain a thorough understanding of basic math concepts, as well as set the stage for more complex topics. Without a good understanding of basic math principles, more advanced concepts become difficult to grasp. Math doesn’t have to be difficult or frustrating and our approach shows our learners how exciting (and practical) math can be.
We cover everything from preparing students for Pre-Algebra with expressions, statistics, sequences, and square roots to leading Algebra students to creatively problem-solve with exponents and radicals, linear equations and inequalities, ratio and proportion, systems of linear equations, factoring quadratics, complex numbers, completing the square, and the quadratic formula. Our Honors students will conquer quadratics, systems of equations, clever factorizations, complex numbers, functions, graphing, sequences and series, special functions, exponents and logarithms, and more before they finish the year.
Whether your student is afraid of basic mathematical computations or can't wait to challenge their scientific calculator, our Math class is guaranteed to support their learning journey with laughs, smiles, and pleas for more! ​
English Language Arts (ELA)
Our English Language Arts (ELA) program focuses on fostering (or creating) a love of writing, while also tackling writing mechanics, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but we do it through the context of literature and history.
Our high school students will be turned into time-traveling reporters who practice journalism in the forgotten corners of history. Our students in this program will study the work of great journalists, uncovering techniques of persuasion and propaganda that are widely used in media today. They'll engage in a variety of different types of research, write a series of essays, and sharpen their critical thinking skills as they evaluate historical stories and events.
We'll take our middle school students on a guided tour through the universe of world-buliding. Through the process of creating the content for their own magazine in a single school year, students will be led, step by step, on a fun, thought-provoking journey of exploration and creation. They'll write poems, short stories, non-fiction articles, letters, and many other short pieces. They also learn to journal every day, and along the way, they study not just a story’s form but its execution.
Our youngest students will work on world-building, learning the basics of grammar, mechanics, and literary devices as they build their own fantasy world from scratch. They'll develop a history for their world, devise a magical system, and determine its beliefs and culture. Over the course of their work, students will populate their world with a people, craft their culture and customs, name its creatures and beasts, design maps, create its cuisine and folklore, and give birth to its heroes.
Perhaps our favorite part of our ELA program is the daily read-aloud (at the middle school level and below), which exposes our learners to the conscious-expanding world of reading comprehension and literary analysis.
During this small group (aka den), students will have the opportunity to "Work, Organize, Learn, and Focus" with the support of our certified K-12 educator. We encourage student choice during this time and allow students to choose the option they most need to work on. Some students may need 1:1 tutoring, while others may want to work on executive functioning and learning strategies to maximize productivity and efficiency. Students can also use the time to catch up on a history assignment or science project, so they can better manage workloads and maintain balance in their environments.
Looking for an engaging and informative Honors World History course? Look no further than Wonder Homeschool! Our course is designed to engage and inform students as they explore over 5,000 years of events, people, and cultures. From the beginning of civilization to the near present, students will learn about famous people around the globe, historical locations, and the changing boundaries of empires and countries. The curriculum covers the history of medicine, music and art through the ages, mythology, and much more. Your student will not only learn about historical foods and clothing, but they'll very much be brought alive through recipes, tastings, and hands-on art, sewing, and fashion projects.
​Ancient Civilizations and the Rise of Empires (Prehistory to 500 CE)
The Medieval World (400 -1450)
The Early Modern World (1420-1700s)
The Age of Revolutions (Mid 1700s-1800s)
The Age of Imperialism (1800s-1914)
The Modern World (1914 to the present)
All materials and books will be provided by Wonder.
We hope you'll join us on these optional field trips hosted by our friends at the Huck Finn School. During our study of ancient civilizations and the medieval world, we'll travel to Awendaw SC for day-long crash courses in the life of a Spartan and Viking, respectively. Students will participate in hands-on wood, metal, and leather work authentic to the time period, and will learn about period tools, military formations, and engage in a battle Spartan- and Viking-style. Explore the fascinating world of history with our hands-on experience! Join us an exciting opportunity to learn about World History like never before. Don't miss out on this unique chance to experience history firsthand!
World History (middle School & HIgh SchooL)
Monday and Tuesday
(high school)
Monday and Wednesday
(middle school)
Marine Biology
(middle School & HIgh SchooL)
10-11:30am, Monday
12:30-2pm, Thursday
Unit fees due to Next Level, plus
$49/month to Wonder
(Annual average of $120/month)
Dive into the fascinating world of Marine Biology with our comprehensive, mastery-based course. Learn about taxonomy, evolutionary relationships, anatomy, function, habitat, and more, covering everything from phytoplankton to marine mammals. This class fulfills the lab science requirement (for high schoolers) and is full of hands-on opportunities, including field trips, labs, dissections (optional), and an end-of-year workshop in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Join us and work with NextLevel Homeschool Director Mary Middlebrook, both in and out of the water putting all the knowledge from the year to the test.
Section 1: Marine Biology 101
Taxonomy (Cladograms, Dichotomous Key, and Major Taxonomic Divisions)
Zonation (Vertical and Horizontal Ocean Zones)
Protists (Both Plant and Animal like Creatures)
Plankton (Phytoplankton and Zooplankton)
Plants (Plants vs. Protists and Habitat Contributions)
Section 2: Invertebrates Part One
Sponges (Structure and Habitat)
Cnidarians (Jellyfish, Corals, Anemones, Evolutionary Adaptations, Symbiotic Relationships, Coral Reefs and Global Warming)
Worms (Adaptations and Dissection of Anemone and/or Jellyfish)
Section 3: Invertebrates Part Two
Mollusks (Gastropods, Bivalves, Cephalopods, and Dissection of Clam and/or Squid)
Crustaceans (Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimp, Anatomy, and Dissection of Horseshoe Crab, Crab, Shrimp, and/or Crawfish)
Echinoderms (Sea Stars, Urchins, Sea Cucumbers, anatomy, and Dissection of Starfish)
Section 4: Vertebrates
Cartilaginous Fish (Lamprey, Skates & Stingrays, Sharks, Evolution, Taxonomy, Anatomy, Habitat, Adaptations, Conservation Issues, and Dissection of Lamprey and/or Shark)
Bony Fish (Adaptations and Dissection of Bony Fish)
Reptiles (Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes, Marine Iguana, Migration Patterns, Anatomy, and Conservation)
Birds (Seagulls, Albatross, Penguins, Puffins, Migration Patterns)
Marine Mammals (Anatomy, Taxonomy, Adaptations, Managed Care Facilities)
All lab materials will be provided by Wonder. If your student wishes to participate in the dissections during the course a $49 one time lab fee will be due in August prior to starting the course.
These (optional) field trips will be put together and presented by Wonder. We are exploring a multitude of field trip options, including but not limited to North Inlet Winyah Bay Plankton Exploration, Sustain Coastal with CCU, Coastal Encounters with UNCW, Crystal River Swimming with the Manatees in Florida, and kayaking and local boat tours!
For students and families interested in ALL.THE.CLASSES, the Core Four is the designed for you. Sign up for this bundle, and you'll be automatically registered for each of our four core classes: ​​
World History
Marine Biology
Your registration covers all four days for the entire academic year and provides all the materials, books, and instruction you need for this course. You'll automatically be included on our field trip list and receive discounted and/or complimentary access to our enrichment offerings.